Geoffrey Champion

About Geoffrey Champion

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So far Geoffrey Champion has created 15 blog entries.

The Power of Prayer


Over the last three years  the Gwent Baptist Association have had a focus upon praying together and seeking the Lord for his blessing and favour in various ways, writes the Revd. Jonathan Forman of Blaenau Gwent Baptist Church, Abertillery. The first year was the year of prayer that the Baptist Union of Wales initiated and [...]

The Power of Prayer2023-05-09T13:43:22+00:00



It is still business as usual for Tabernacle’s Foodbank despite this month’s peak holiday season. The Foodbank remains open every Wednesday morning at the church in High Street, Newbridge from 10am until noon thanks to the hard-working team of volunteers. Pastor Peter Cho said the need for this service is growing and it is one [...]

FOODBANK HOLIDAY SHELVED2022-08-19T09:47:25+00:00



Volunteers, based at Tabernacle Baptist Church, Newbridge, have been engaged for some time in a campaign to persuade people to take more pride in their  local community. Actions always speak louder than words and that is why the group, known as TACT – Tabernacle Action Community Team – began a few years ago a Saturday [...]

TACT PROGRAMME GROWING2022-07-15T15:36:12+00:00

Food, glorious food!


We were delighted to welcome back our Community Luncheon Club for Over 50's on Thursday, 30th June following the long break because of Covid. More than 40 people, including volunteers working in the kitchen and serving meals, attended.  Everyone enjoyed the good food and the fellowship as old friends caught up with the news. Pastor [...]

Food, glorious food!2022-07-10T13:44:24+00:00

Closed but still active.


Tabernacle has suspended its Sunday services and other meetings in the church building for the time being because of the ongoing Covid crisis. We carried out a risk assessment on 31 December and decided to minimise the risk to our members and friends in line with the latest Welsh Government regulations and guidance. We thank [...]

Closed but still active.2022-01-11T15:29:55+00:00

Seize this prayer opportunity!


The Gwent Baptist Association is progressing its two- year prayer programme as we seek God together to work amongst us and establish His Kingdom in our communities. The next opportunity to seek God in prayer together is starting on the 10th January and running through to the 2nd of February. The Association will also be [...]

Seize this prayer opportunity!2022-01-18T14:17:06+00:00

24 Days of Prayer


The Gwent Baptist Association is encouraging churches and individuals to join it in its latest initiative - 24 Days of Prayer. It is part of a two-year programme and uses the invaluable prayer resource Pray Without Ceasing - published by the Revd. Jonathan  Forman of Blaenau Gwent Baptist Church, Abertillery - as well as a [...]

24 Days of Prayer2021-10-04T10:03:52+00:00

Danger of ‘getting back to normal’


Churches today have the best opportunity since the Second World War to bring hope to people shaken by the Coronavirus pandemic by telling them about the love of Jesus. That was one of the key messages of the Revd. Gavin Calver, CEO of the Evangelical Alliance, who was the guest speaker at the Gwent Baptist [...]

Danger of ‘getting back to normal’2021-10-02T11:18:59+00:00

Patterns of Mission


The 2021 Autumn Council Meeting of the Gwent Baptist Association will be held “live” via Zoom on Thursday, 30th September (7.30pm). The main theme for the event, which will incorporate some brief items of AGM business, will be ” Patterns of Mission in a post- Covid Age”. The guest speaker will be the Revd. Gavin [...]

Patterns of Mission2021-09-27T14:38:08+00:00

Tribute to Rotary


Sixty years of faithful service by the Rotary Club of Abercarn and Newbridge to the local community and individuals and charitable organisations in Wales and overseas were marked by a special dedication service at Newbridge Vision Centre, part of the Tabernacle church complex.  The club finally closed the curtain on its activities in 2019 but [...]

Tribute to Rotary2021-08-09T16:13:19+00:00
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