“ He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, but it has now been revealed through the appearing of our Saviour, Christ Jesus, who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the gospel.” (2 Timothy 1: 9-10 NIV)
We are exhorted to go out and preach the Gospel but what does that really mean? What is at the heart of the Gospel message?
According to Paul’s second letter to Timothy, we do not preach the Gospel because of our own desire. It is a Holy Calling. Verse 9 begins with the words – “who has saved us and called us to a holy life”. God is a holy God and it His calling to which we must respond.
Secondly, it is a Sovereign Calling. It is not based upon works — “not because of anything we have done but because of His purpose and His grace” (cf. Rom. 8:28; 9:11). As one biblical scholar put it: “If it depended on our merits, our position would be at best precarious, and on a realistic estimate hopeless; but since it depends wholly on God, our confidence can be unshaken.” It is centred in Christ Jesus – “which was given us in Christ Jesus” and rooted in eternity past – “before the beginning of time”
Finally, it marks a Transformation from Death to Life. Accomplished in history by “our Saviour Christ Jesus who has destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel.” Remember the ancient question of Job: ‘If a man die, shall he live again?’ remains the fundamental question haunting all men and women today. In what sense did Christ abolish death? Even Christians still die. The fact that the Apostle Paul adds ‘immortality,’ (more accurately translated ‘incorruption’), brings out the thought that this new life applies also to our bodies as well as our souls. Decay and corruption relate directly to the body and not to the spirit; so here the ‘incorruption,’ the resurrection of the body of the believer, is underlined.
Death has not been annihilated as yet, but for the believer, death has been deprived of its terrors and power. Death for the believer is not a token of God’s displeasure, but is His wise arrangement of introducing the child of God into a new life from which death is forever excluded.” The hope of immortality was in the world long before Jesus came to Earth but He brought it into a certainty through His teaching and above all by His own resurrection.
The Rev Stephen Jackson
It was with great sadness that we learned of the death of our brother in Christ and former pastor the Rev Stephen Jackson. He died at the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport on 20th October.
Steve, aged 65, had suffered from poor health for a number of years but we have happy memories of a kind, gentle man who loved and served the Lord faithfully. We also have the consolation of knowing that Steve is now in a better place with the Lord in glory. Our deepest sympathies go to Kath and the family.
About 300 people attended the funeral which was held at Tabernacle on Tuesday, 1st November. The Revs. Peter Cho, D Marc Owen and Jim Webber officiated.
Two of our young brothers, Kody Davies and Joe (Junior) Calzaghe will be baptised by Pastor Peter at Tabernacle on Sunday, 13th November (6pm). May God bless them and their families and friends as they publicly witness to their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. All are welcome to attend.
Speakers for Sunday Services
6th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Mr Geoff Champion
13th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. “ “ “
20th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Mr John Gibby
27th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Mr Geoff Champion