Christian Life: Poking Holes in the Darkness

(Isaiah 52:7-8)

Long, dark winter nights are upon us and, even with all of the benefits of up-to-date bright lighting in our homes and on the streets, this is a period when we may become particularly gloomy and sad – especially if we live alone.

There is a well-documented account that Robert Lewis Stevenson, best known for his adventure story Treasure Island, suffered poor health during much of his childhood and youth. One night his nurse found him with his nose pressed against the frosty pane of his bedroom window. “Child, come away from there. You’ll catch your death of cold,” she said.

 But young Robert wouldn’t move. He sat, fascinated, as he watched an old lamplighter slowly working his way through the black night, lighting each street lamp along his route. Pointing, Robert shouted, “See; look! There’s a man poking holes in the darkness!”

 There were no street lamps, cobblestone streets, or frosty windows in Isaiah’s day, yet ancient Israel had its own kind of lamplighters who poked holes in the darkness. Isaiah sang:

How beautiful on the mountains

are the feet of those who bring good news,

who proclaim peace,

who bring good tidings,

who proclaim salvation,

who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices;

together they shout for joy.

When the Lord returns to Zion, they will see it

with their own eyes.

 Despite all of the superficial glow and glitter of today’s society, we live in a very dark place, spiritually and morally. This is a Godless period in the history of Wales characterized by the blatant arrogance of sinful men and women to go their own way because they think they know better than the One who created them!!

 We need to prayerfully keep poking holes in the darkness so that the light of the Gospel brings salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s make this our prayer:

 “Shine, Jesus, shine,

Fill this land with the Father’s glory”




We extend a sincere welcome to everyone attending our services. A loop system is available for the hard of hearing, as well as special toilet facilities for the disabled.Communion is held in the evening of the first Sunday and in the morning of the third Sunday of each month.   

Please join us for Tea/Coffee and biscuits in the lower schoolroom after our Sunday evening services.Once every two months a Church Business Meeting is held on a Tuesday evening.

 Weekly Activities

             Sundays:        10.45 am   Sunday School

           11.00 am   Morning  Worship

                                    6.00 pm   Evening Worship

             Tuesdays:        7.00 pm   Prayer Meeting

 Wednesdays: 4.30pm   Youth Football Club (aged 11-18)

             Thursdays:      9.30am – 12.00pm Citizen’s Advice Bureau

          10.00am – 12.30pm  Coffee Morning

          12.30pm    Luncheon Club (see dates)

 Fridays:          6.00pm –   7.30pm  High Five Youth Club

                                                                            (aged 4+)

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  We  are again  producing a Greetings  booklet for  all members  and  friends  of  Tabernacle. Please bring your greeting, together with  yourdonation,  before  Sunday, 24th November.   All proceeds will go to a charity yet to be decided.



Speakers for Sundays in November 


  24th:    a.m.   Pastor Peter Cho

               p.m.   Rev. Roy Evans


 Diary Dates for November


Sunday        24th:     Last day for Christmas  


frontage 002

The attractive new frontage at Tabernacle following the demolition of the wall and the laying of new paving slabs to match the existing pavement. We are grateful to Griffiths Civil Engineering and Construction who undertook the work.