It’s fitting at the end of another year as we look forward to Christmas and 2016 to meditate upon the last verse of the Bible as it has been faithfully passed down to us. Revelations 22:21 says: “The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.” (New International Version)
It is the grace or free pardon of the Lord Jesus which is the last word left in our ears. It reminds us that whatever be the dangers or difficulties, the afflictions or persecutions which have been pictured in the book of Revelations, there is strength and love in the Lord.
It reminds us that whether we are readers or interpreters of Revelations or whether we are trying to carry out its teachings practically in daily life, our power and wisdom must come from Him. Without Jesus, the book of Revelations – or indeed the whole Bible – could not have been written; without Him it cannot be understood; without Him it cannot be obeyed.
This grace of Christ our Lord must be the pulse of our physical and spiritual lives. The writer, probably the Apostle John, prays that those of us who believe in and know the Lord Jesus Christ may be led into deeper knowledge of Him who is our life.
While most of our understanding about the meaning of grace in the New Testament comes from the writings of the Apostle Paul, there are references to it in John and Luke as well. John describes Jesus as “full of grace and truth” and speaks of his people receiving grace upon grace from the fullness of his grace ( John 1:16 ). In one of the most important theological statements about grace in Scripture, John says that the Law, a good thing, was given through Moses; the better things of grace and truth came through Jesus Christ ( John 1:17 ).
Thank God for His salvation, grace, love and truth bestowed upon us sinners through our Lord Jesus Christ and pray that we will know His presence in a special way this Christmas and on into the New Year.
Special Events in December
Monday 7th: 6.30p.m. Ty Iscoed Carol Service
(joining with Pentecostal Church)
Tuesday 15th: 11 a.m. Ty Derwen Carol Service
Wednesday 16th: 10.30a.m. Gilwern House Carol Service
Thursday 17th: 6.30p.m. Community Carol Service
Saturday 19th: 11a.m. Open Air Carol Service
Friday 4th: 2.15p.m. Evangelism Group No. 2
Wednesday 30th: 7 p.m. Deacons’ meeting
Other Organisations using premises
Tuesday 19th January (9a.m. – 1pm.) Community Voices Session (GAVO)
Our Community Luncheon Club for Over 50’s will be held on 3rd & 10th December and 14th & 28th January.
Speakers for Sunday Services in December/January
December 2015
6th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Steve & Kathy Coupe
13th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Rev. Roy Evans
20th: a.m. Nativity play
p.m. Carol Service
27th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Rev. Flavio Azambuja
January 2016
3rd: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. “ “ “
10th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Rev. Richard Harrison
17th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Pastor David Palmer
24th: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Dr. Chris Palmer
31st: a.m. Pastor Peter Cho
p.m. Mr John Gibby
Former pastor Flavio will be spending Christmas and the New Year at Newbridge and in Cardiff and we are all looking forward to giving them a big welcome.
Flavio, Arlene, Samela Betsan and Daniel Rhys will be flying into London Heathrow Airport on 22 December where they will be met and transported back to South Wales by Geoff, Gareth and Len. They will be staying with Lynne and Geoff for the Christmas and New Year period and they will then spend a few days with friends in Cardiff before returning to Brazil on 12 January.
The holiday is a special treat for Samela who celebrated her 15th birthday – a significant milestone for Brazilians – earlier this year.
Flavio will be preaching at Tabernacle on Christmas Sunday evening (27 December).Please pray that they have a safe journey and a blessed time back in Wales